
Age: 10  Hair Color: Brown  Eye Color: Brown
Extra Info: short, nice, and funny

Howdy Partners,

That would make more sense if I was a cowboy…But… Hey… Hi… What’s up?

I’m Johnny Sminsky and first off… No, I did not poop my pants, thank you very much. I did however, have a bit of gas. OK, OK, I farted, but it happens to the best of us. Anyway, I’m Bella’s friend and I’m really glad to be here on her website with you guys. This site is cool and I heard they are adding new stuff soon so it’s just gonna get cooler, and cooler. So, I’m into science. I love doing experiments! My favorite food is Mexican, I love tacos. I don’t care for collard greens but I love bok choy. 

OK, see ya around.